Saturday, May 30, 2009

My First Post

I've been toying with the idea of starting a blog for awhile now. Today just seemed the day to do it, I guess!

In this first post I'll tell a little bit about myself. I'm a forty-something gal, married to a very interesting man, blessed with five unique children, trying to live the Christian life in a manner that is pleasing to God. We live on 8 1/2 acres in rural Missouri. I currently do not work outside the home, but that may change soon (more on that later, most likely). We homeschool all of our children and have since the eldest started kindergarten (she is finishing 9th grade right now). Gene and I are approaching our 20th anniversary this summer; it is amazing to me that it has been that long.

I dabble in several interests. I have a love/hate relationship with reading fiction--I love doing it, but it gets the better of me sometimes, eating into my daily motivation, and then I have to give it up for awhile. Music is also a love of mine; I love singing it, playing it, and dancing to it (although the latter generally only happens when I am alone in the house!). I have a thing for grammar and spelling, and I enjoy a tricky algebra problem; but I hate housework and cooking!

The most important thing in my life is my relationship with God, the Creator of the universe. I seek to know Him better by studying His Word (the Bible) and maintaining stimulating friendships with other like-minded believers. This will be a large part of what I post about; I am nothing apart from my Christianity. It forms a large part of my thoughts, and I have no intention of keeping that to myself.

Right now, I just intend to blather about what is happening in my life. What I am doing, what I am thinking, what I am learning. I don't know that anyone else will really care about any of that! But I like the idea of refining my thoughts enough to share them with the public, and if someone finds something interesting or helpful to him- or herself, then so much the better.

Until next time, then!

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